In Tokaido, players are travelers crossing the East Sea Road in a quest of discoveries and natural marvels.
Each traveler will get several opportunities to stop by stations all along the road in which he will be able to purchase souvenirs, meet new people, make donations to the shrines, taste local cuisine specialties, bath in hot springs or even paint sumptuous vistas.
Players will move in a simple order starting from the farthest to the closest one from the arrival, which will lead them to chose their moves wisely not to go too fast but also not to go too slowly.
The player order will change all the time, and as the places are more than limited in each station, travelers will have to face a permanent dilemma.
All the collections and points of the players will be permanently known and visible by everyone.
You will have to decipher everyone’s strategies and anticipate each moves, choosing either to act for your own interests or to thwart other’s ones…

- 1 Game board
- 5 Traveler pieces
- 5 Travel point markers
- 5 Player color tokens (bags)
- 50 Coins
- 10 Traveler tiles
- 12 Hot Spring cards
- 60 Panorama cards
- 25 Meal cards
- 24 Souvenir cards
- 14 Encounter cards
- 7 Achievement cards