China, 1570. China is under the reign of the Longqing Emperor, of the Ming Dynasty. The Emperor has inherited a country in disarray after years of mismanagement and corruption. Realising the depth of chaos his father’s long reign had caused, the Longqing Emperor set about reforming the government by re-employing talented officials previously banished by his father.
The country was already famous for its very intricate bureaucracy, but this also led to a lot of corruption. However, the Longqing Emperor tried to eradicate corruption as much as he could, by simply having it officially prohibited, and punishable by death.
This measure seemed successful at first, but as we all know, it is not so simple to keep perfect control over one's “loyal” subjects. At the imperial court, the highest officials would pretend to uphold the ban on corruption, and instead of simply accepting money, a new custom saw the light of day: the exchange of gifts.
Players take on the role of noble families and will need to offer gifts using an innovative card placement mechanism thus bribing the Officials of the Forbidden City to perform certain tasks for them. Whoever proves to be most "influential" will receive the honor of an audition with the Emperor in the Palace of Heavenly Purity.

- Gameboard
- 3 Destiny Dice
- Day Tracker
- 32 Travel Tokens
- 5 Envoy Meeples
- 5 Traveler Tokens
- 15 Canal Ships
- Next Start Player Medal
- 5 Intrigue Markers
- 5 VP Trackers
- Start Player Token
- 38 Gift Cards
- 20 Jade Tokens
- 15 Decree Tiles
- 5 Player Boards
- 60 Servant Cubes
- 5 Forman Tokens
- Rulebook